Putting it All together

1) Aim for three meals each day.
More meals are unnecessary, and – contrary to popular belief – are
NOT helpful in optimizing metabolism.
2) Eat Protein, Carb (Veggies/Fruit) &
Healthy Fat. Always.
• A good starting point is to aim for a serving of protein the size
of the palm of your hand.
• Add plenty of vegetables, and top it all with a dollop of fat –
whether from avocado, butter, or olive oil.
• DO NOT skimp on fat!
3) Eat slowly, chew well, and eat enough.
Eating slowly enables your body to register fullness! Chew well to
ensure your food is broken down – a good rule-of-thumb is to put
your fork DOWN as you chew. That way you’ll focus on the current
bite – and less on the next one. Be sure you eat ENOUGH –
under-eating is common when you’re first starting out, so be sure
you’re not experiencing excessive hunger between meals.
4) If you need to snack, make it healthy.
Choose hard-boiled eggs, olives, almonds and
easy-to-transport fruits and veggies for snacks. Eventually, you’ll
want to eliminate the need to snack by eating adequate calories
at each meal – but, as you adjust, you may feel the need to snack a
bit. Just make sure your snacks are as high-quality as your meals!
5) Remember – this isn’t difficult.
This is a choice, and you’re fully in control. Any drama or difficulty
you perceive is simply the baggage you’re holding on to – let it go! (LIZ WOLFE)