The mind is a ‘goal-seeking mechanism’. Whatever you desire, with sincere intention, will be delivered to you. Unfortunately, most people use this energetic power to their detriment, focusing on what they don’t want rather than what they do want.

An example of a positive goal is: On the 30 th June 20XX, I am at 18% body fat and I am a size 12; as opposed to I need to lose 12 kg of body fat/ weight by 30 th June 20XX.

If you link a goal to your purpose, there is a far greater chance of success. A goal without purpose is like a spur of the moment, ‘New Years Resolution’ with little chance of success.

Your goals must be SMARTE:


The goal needs to have clarity and be specific. Describe exactly what you will see, feel, hear, (and to a lesser degree) taste or smell when you have it. Unless you ask
specifically for what you want, you are unlikely to get it. Use specific numbers if possible. What will this outcome get for you or allow you to do?
Note: In most cases, it is better to set a body fat percentage goal rather than aim for a particular weight. If you’re obese, then weight goals are best, but if you have less
weight to lose, continual focus on your weight will mess with your head, distract you from the real issues and is more of a hindrance than a help. How your clothes fit or
your body fat percentage is a far better indicator of progress.


The goal needs to create a strong, heart-felt desire for you to accomplish. Write downwhat inspires you about this goal and make a list of your personal reasons for needing
to accomplish this goal. This should be in line with your purpose and be for you!

As if Now

Your goal should be written in Present Tense but with a date in the future, e.g. ‘It is now 30 June 20XX and I am at 18% body fat and am a size 12’.


The goal needs to be realistic. Your goals should be challenging but achievable. Nothing breeds success like success. It is disempowering to strive for goals that cannot be
reached. For example, your weight as a 17 year old may not be attainable. Set a target. Maybe the target needs to be an interim target to enable you to reach a shorter-term
goal and then re-assess to continue further or not. This enables you to focus more easily now on what needs to be done in order to reach the larger goal. The best
strategy for successful lifestyle change is to set these small, achievable goals that fit your lifestyle.


The goal needs to be tangible and therefore measureable. You need to be able to explain it or see it. Write down how you will measure your progress. Set a target of a
clothing size, specific weight, body fat percentage, etc. It is advantageous to also set non-weight loss goals that will help in your weight loss endeavours, e.g. to run a fun

End Step

Describe the final thing (scene) that has to happen for you to know you have accomplished the goal. Step outside of the goal and see the final scene. Describe
exactly what you will see, feel, hear, (and to a lesser degree) taste or smell when you have it.